(a) Detached accessory buildings shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Detached garages shall comply with front and side yard requirements of the zoning district where located. Detached garages may be located within two (2) feet of the rear lot line, but shall not be located within any easement.
(2) Detached accessory buildings larger than sixty-four (64) square feet other than garages shall be located in the rear yard as defined in Sec. 27-2 and shall comply with the side yard requirements of the zoning district where located. Detached accessory buildings larger than sixty-four (64) square feet may be located within two (2) feet of the rear lot line, but shall not be located within any easements.
(3) Detached accessory buildings smaller than one hundred eighty (180) square feet shall be securely anchored to the ground and shall be located in the rear yard as defined in Sec. 27-2 and may be located entirely within the required rear yard, but shall not be closer than two (2) feet to any side or rear lot line.
(4) No accessory building shall be used for dwelling purposes.
(5) No accessory building shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to the principal building and no accessory use which could constitute a fire hazard shall be located closer than five feet to a building unless other separation distances are provided for in this chapter or unless other separation distances are allowable by the building code based upon the exterior wall fire resistance ratings of the accessory building.
(6) No structure other than a fence shall be erected or constructed within an easement.
(7) Exterior building materials and architectural designs used for accessory buildings exceeding 180 square feet shall be comparable to, or similar to, or architecturally harmonious with, the existing main residential structure and compatible with the character of the surrounding residential area, unless specifically provided for by a conditional use permit. Compatibility shall include but not be limited to:
a. Use of non-reflective exterior materials of a color, material, and scale comparable to existing structures in the residential area.
b. A minimum roof pitch with a vertical rise of 2.5 inches for each 12 inches of horizontal run.
c. Roof construction of non-reflective materials which either are or simulate the appearance of asphalt, wood shingles, tile, or rock.
(b) Detached Accessory Dwelling Units shall meet the following requirements:
(1) A detached accessory dwelling unit is permitted on single-family detached use lots in zoning districts A through R-3 and R-O.
(2) There shall be only one (1) detached accessory dwelling unit per lot.
(3) The total square footage of the accessory dwelling shall not exceed the lesser of 60% of the total square footage of the main building or 864 square feet. However, the cumulative area of a detached accessory dwelling and any other accessory buildings on the lot shall not exceed the total permitted amount per the zoning district.
(4) The detached accessory dwelling building shall be installed on a permanent continuous perimeter foundation.
(5) The accessory dwelling shall share utility connections (no separate/extra meters) with the main building.
(6) Detached accessory dwelling building shall be located behind the rear building line of the main building.
(7) The detached accessory dwelling building shall comply with the front and side yard requirements of the zoning district where located. Detached accessory dwelling buildings may be located within seven (7) feet of the rear lot line, but shall not be located within any easement.
(8) Exterior building materials and architectural designs used for accessory dwelling buildings shall be comparable to, or similar to, or architecturally harmonious with, the existing main residential structure and compatible with the character of the surrounding residential area. Compatibility shall include but not be limited to:
a. Use of non-reflective exterior materials of a color, material, and scale comparable to existing structures in the residential area.
b. A minimum roof pitch with a vertical rise of 2.5 inches for each 12 inches of horizontal run.
c. Roof construction of non-reflective materials which either are or simulate the appearance of asphalt, wood shingles, tile, or rock.
(9) The owner of the lot is required to live on the property but may reside in either the main building or in the accessory dwelling.
(10) Parking is not required for an accessory dwelling unit. However, no existing, required parking may be removed to build the accessory dwelling unit unless the parking is replaced somewhere else on the lot, in conformance with the code.
Source: Ord. No. 4099, § 3, 7-17-95; Ord. No. 4603, § 1, 9-16-02; Ord. No. 5799, § 11, 9-6-22;