Communications Office

Outdoor Warning Siren Repair

The outdoor warning siren located at 1804 N. 16th Street in the City of Norfolk has not been reliably activating over the last few weeks.

The City is aware of this situation and has been working on this siren. Unfortunately, the solution isn’t a “quick fix,” and parts are needed which have been ordered and will be coming in soon. Citizens who live in the area of this siren need to pay extra attention to other sources such as radio, television, social media, weather apps, weather radio, etc., for severe weather information during this time.

This siren is a #1 priority to the City of Norfolk and as soon parts are available, it will be up and running as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation at this time. For any questions, please contact Bobbi Risor - (402) 844-2050.