
City Annexation 2021
Project Overview:
The City desires annexation of land outlined in the 2019 Norfolk Boundary Study updated August 2, 2021. The City of Norfolk approved a resolution of intent to annex property contiguous to city limits at the August 2, 2021 city council meeting. For further information find the resolution and associated materials under project documents below.
Project Documents and Images:
Extension of City Services for Annexed Area
Area Maps
- Area 1.1 - Portia Place
- Area 1.2 - Valli Hi and Sheridan Rd
- Area 1.3 - Huntley Addition
- Area 1.4 - Beverly Rd
- Area 1.4.1 - Suburban Acres
- Area 1.4.2 - Eastern Heights
- Area 1.5 - West of Walmart
- Area 1.5.1 - Undeveloped Ag S of Hwy 275 between 37th and 25th
- Area 1.6 - West 275 S Side Commercial 25th to 37th
- Area 2.1 - Hillcrest Memorial Park
- Area 2.2 - N Riverside Industrial
- Area 2.3 - Country Club
- Area 2.4 - E Omaha Wiborg Addition
- Area 2.6 - S 1st St and Eastern TaHaZouka
- Area 2.7 - Eisenhower Ave Siedschlag Addition
- Area 2.9 - W side of 37th N of Roundabout
- Area 2.9.1 - Balfanys Addition
- Area 3.5 - E Norfolk Ave Wilsons Subdivision
- Area 3.5.1 - Triangle N of Victory Village Development
- Area 3.5.2 - Nord Park
- Area 3.9 - N Airport Rd and Bonita Dr
- Area 3.10 - West 275 Divots
- Area 4.1 - N Side West 275 and 49th St
- Area 4.2 - City Wellhead Protection
- Area 4.3 - City Airport
Contact for Further Information:
Public Works Director/City Engineer