Project Overview:
The City of Norfolk has identified a number of planned repairs and renovations to existing streets and intersections. The work involves concrete patching and concrete paving, mill and asphalt overlays, and armor coat or chip seal. These repairs will help to extend the life of asphalt and concrete roads.
Project Funding:
Project funding would stem from a local option sales tax subject to Norfolk voter approval in November 2022. Norfolk's current sales tax is 1 1/2% and the proposal up to the Norfolk voters is to raise it to 2%. Nebraska has a state sales tax of 5.5% , and allows local governments to collect a local option sales tax of up to 2%. Sales tax projected to support debt service on par amount of bonds of $67 million to $78 million depending on interest rates and sales tax growth. Preliminary costs estimates are: $8.5 million for the police facility expansion, $12 million for street improvements, $32 million for an indoor aquatic center, and $15 million for Ta-Ha-Zouka improvements.
Project Documents and Images:
For a full interactive presentation on the processes of roadway maintenance and preservation click HERE.