
Street Improvement Plan

What is the Street Improvement Plan?

The Nebraska Department of Transportation requires each county and municipality to develop, adopt, annually update, and maintain a One and Six-Year Plan or Program of highway, road and street improvements based on priority of needs and calculated to contribute to the orderly development of an integrated statewide system of highways, roads, and streets.  The Mayor and City Council must hold a public hearing, approve, and adopt the Plan or Program at the time of the budget finalization, but no later than September 30th of each year.


  • August  -  Public Works Open House to receive public input for preparation of One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan
  • August- Planning Subcommittee reviews One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan
  • First Planning Commission meeting in September- Planning Commission approves One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan
  • Second City Council meeting in September- City Council adopt Resolution approving final One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan, which is part of the Capital Improvement Program
  • October 31st - Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance form due to the Nebraska Department of Transportation

One and Six Year Street Improvement Plans