Parks and Recreation


Parks & Recreation Donor Guidelines

General Donations

No Minimum Amount Required

General donations given to the Parks and Recreation Division will be acknowledged by a letter of appreciation. All donations will meet the current needs of the department as determined by the Director. Please notify the Director for specific project donations. Requests can be made for current projects by contacting the Parks and Recreation office at 402-844-2250. 

Memorial Donations 

Minimum $2,500 donation

Plaque or sign near item

Donation must cover the full cost of Statues, Fountains, Plazas, Gardens etc.

Tree Donations

Minimum $200 donation

No plaque permitted

Trees may be donated to commemorate an event, individual or group. This could include a wedding, birth of a child or an anniversary. Businesses could donate a tree to celebrate a milestone or honor an employee for exceptional service.  

Bench Donation

Minimum Donation $2,500

Plaque in front of bench

The bench donation of $2,500 includes the bench, plaque, installation and maintenance for the life of the bench. The plaque inscription may be up to 70 characters. Inscription language must be approved by the parks and recreation department.

Parks and Recreation Donation Request Form


*All donations will be recognized by letters of appreciation.

*If the facility or donation reaches the end of its useful life, recognition signage will be returned to the donor.  

*Placement of flowers, planters, decorations, wreaths, vases or other similar items near memorials are not permitted in parks without written consent.