Police Division

ACTING Chief of Police

Acting Chief of Police Tighe has dedicated over 35 years to serving the Norfolk community with the Norfolk Police Division. He began his career in 1989 as a Community Service Officer before being promoted to Police Officer. Following his graduation from Basic Training, where he was honored as Outstanding Student of the class, Chief Tighe quickly became a key asset to the department. In 1991, he was named a Field Training Officer, mentoring 14 new officers over six years. He was promoted to Corporal in 1997, serving as a street supervisor for 18 years. In 2015, Chief Tighe was elevated to shift supervisor and Lieutenant, a role he held until assuming the position of Acting Chief of Police. Throughout his career, Chief Tighe has remained committed to working on the streets, directly serving the community. His diverse contributions include 20 years of service on the Tactical Response Team, certification as a bicycle patrol officer, and membership on the Accident Reconstruction Team. Chief Tighe's longstanding dedication and leadership exemplifies his commitment to the safety and well-being of Norfolk’s residents.


 Captain of SUPPORT Services

Captain Bauer began his career with the Norfolk Police Division in 1991 as a police officer.  In 1994 he moved into the Investigations Unit as a detective.  Three years later, in 1997, he was promoted to the rank of Corporal in Uniform Patrol. He reached the rank of Sergeant in 2001 and was assigned back to the Investigations Unit to supervise the six detectives.  While there, Captain Bauer initiated Norfolk’s computer forensic exam abilities and the Division became a member of the Nebraska Internet Crimes Against Children’s Taskforce.  In 2012 he was promoted to the Captain of Support Services.  Under the direction of the Chief of Police, he manages the Support Services Bureau, which includes the 911 communication center, records management, training, evidence & property, city jail, budget, purchasing, as well as, building and vehicle maintenance.


  Patrol Unit

Uniform Patrol is the backbone of the Norfolk Police Division with all other division supporting the activities of patrol. Uniform Patrol Officers respond to calls for police services as well as taking initial criminal investigative reports. Patrol officers are the first to respond to all critical incidents and are responsible for the handling of the situation until additional resources arrives if necessary. Uniform Patrol officers place emphasis on assisting victims, especially cases involving Domestic Violence and Child Abuse investigations. Quick response times to citizen requests are important to the Uniform Patrol Division.

Uniform Patrol is divided into four 12-hour shifts. The "day shift" begins at 6:00 a.m. and runs until 6:00 p.m. The "night shift" runs from 6:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. The shifts, when fully complimented, contain a Lieutenant, Sergeant, and 5 uniform officers.

The City of Norfolk is divided into four separate areas for patrol assignments, northeast, northwest, southwest, and southeast. The areas are based on the total number of calls for service each year in an effort to balance out the work loads for the officers and to add attention to higher reported crime areas. Officers are normally assigned to the same area in an effort to keep them familiar with the neighborhood problems.

In addition to routine patrol and directed patrol, officers participate in many community relation functions. Patrol officers conduct regular in house training for new officers, firearms training, CPR training, defensive tactics, emergency vehicle operations, and many others areas.  Norfolk Police also manage the city jail which can hold up to four people. 

A. Shift B. Shift C. Shift D. Shift
Lt. J. Polacek Lt. R. Frank Acting Lt. B. McBride Acting Lt J Witzel
Sgt. S Hansen Off H. Johnson Acting Sgt C Bauer Sgt. J Myers
Off. R. Larson Off D. Vieth Off. D. Fryer Off. G. Tighe
Off. A Hergott Off. B. Lowe Off. S. Westerhaus Off. P. Vantilborgh
Off. J Rodriguez Off. J. Vonderohe Off. C. Hansen Off. J. Lindsey