Solid Waste Division

Household Hazardous Waste Facility

    Welcome! Norfolk’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility (HHW) serves the entire Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District.

    Service Area Map

    Our HHW is your safe, environmentally responsible and convenient drop-off location for all of your household hazardous waste. We do not charge for this disposal, be sure to read the do’s and don’ts completely to keep our costs down.

    Our first choice for disposing products is to follow the label and use as directed.  If you have fertilizers or other products that a neighbor could use, offer it to them for proper utilization. Disposing of your hazardous waste is simple, bring it to the City’s Transfer Station, during normal operating hours, stop at the scalehouse and fill out a simple form and you will be directed to the proper location for disposal, on site.

    What to drop off

     An easy explanation for what you can bring is; if you can buy the chemical in a big box store, we can accept it. 
    Here is a list of do’s and don’ts:

     Do Bring:

    Kitchen: degreasers, floor cleaners, oven cleaners, aluminum cleaners, ammonia,

    Bath and Laundry Room: bleach, disinfectant, drain cleaner, spot remover, upholstrery cleaner, nail polish remover, shoe polish, bowl & tub cleaner, thermometers.

    Garage, Hobby: Aerosol can products, brake fluid, Oils, Oil and Latex paints, weed, bug, and rodent killers, paint thinners and solvents, pool chemicals, mixed fuels, small rechargeable dry cell batteries, fertilizer, fiberglass & epoxy resins, varnish, fluorescent tubes and bulbs, camping propane tanks (small ones) kerosene/lamp oil.

    How to bring them:

     In original containers, DO NOT MIX ANYTHING TOGETHER.  All Rechargeable batteries must be removed from the equipment they were operating. 

     Don’t Bring:

    Any container larger than 5 gallons (If you can’t purchase it from a big box store, it is probably not allowed at our HHW)

    Empty or Dry Paint Containers (throw them in normal trash)

    Ammunition or Explosives (call your local Fire Dept.)

    Fire Extinguishers (safely discharge them, remove valve and throw away or recycle if metal)

    Large Propane Grill Cylinders (take to your propane dealer)

    Broken light bulbs (safely dispose them in trash)

    Oil Soaked rags or floor dry (floor dry can be disposed in trash, rags are subject to spontaneous combustion and be treated properly)

    Medicine/Drugs (Drugs can be returned to most pharmacies or the lobby of Norfolk Police Dept, there is a secure box to dispose into)

    Alkaline Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D, and all the small coin type batteries can be disposed of in normal trash)

    Latex Paint that has been frozen


    Laboratory Chemicals
    Veternarian Drugs
    Farm Chemicals                                                         (for all these products)
    Anything that contains PCB’s                (see below for a list of disposal companies)
    Radioactive Materials
    Infectious Waste (includes sharps)
    Lead base paint


    If you are a business (Farmer, Gov., School, Church, Painter, etc.) or have products that originated from one of them, you will need to use a company that specializes in disposal of those products.

    Use your favorite search engine to find:

    Stericycle Environmental


    Clean Harbors

    Safety Kleen
