Street Division

Sequence of a Residential Plowing

The sequence of a residential plow operations chart, below,  must be used with the following map. A snow operation is declared each time we encounter a plowable snow which takes us into residential areas. The first snow of the year will be given a S.N.O. number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 depending on the last operation of the previous year. Example: We begin with S.N.O. #3. The chart shows the order of streets to be plowed based on the operation number.  A snow plow is assigned to each section.

Snow Map Zones and Routes


CITY PLOW SECTION S.N.O. #1 S.N.O. #2 S.N.O. #3 S.N.O. #4 S.N.O. #5 S.N.O. #6
1 1-2 2-1 1-2 2-1 1-2 2-1
2 3-4-11 4-11-3 11-3-4 3-4-11 4-11-3 11-3-4
3 5-6-9 6-9-5 9-5-6 5-6-9 6-9-5 9-5-6
4 7-8-10 8-10-7 10-7-8 7-8-10 8-10-7 10-7-8
5 14-15 15-14 14-15 15-14 14-15 15-14
6 12-13 13-12 12-13 13-12 12-13 13-12
7 19-20 20-19 19-20 20-19 19-20 20-19
8 21-24 24-21 21-24 24-21 21-24 24-21
9 16-22-23 22-23-16 23-16-22 16-22-23 22-23-16 23-16-22
10 17-18 18-17 17-18 18-17 17-18 18-17