Sec. 13-354. Registration fees.
(a) The registration year for all fees required under this article shall start on the date of issuance. The classification of registrations and fees for each shall be as follows:
(1) Sexually oriented business registration fee shall be as set forth in Section 2-5 of this Code.
(2) Sexually oriented business manager's registration fee shall be as set forth in Section 2-5 of this Code.
(b) In addition to the annual registration fee to be paid to the city at registration issue as required by subsection (a) of this section, an applicant for an initial sexually oriented business registration shall, at the time of making application, pay a nonrefundable application fee as set forth in Section 2-5 of this Code. The city will conduct a review of the application and will conduct inspections of the location to ensure that the proposed sexually oriented business is in compliance with the locational and other restrictions set forth in this article and in Chapter 27, Article XIV of this Code regulating sexually oriented businesses.
(c) Fees shall be paid to the city clerk. The application is not complete until the fee is paid. Registrations are for specific locations as indicated on the registration and are nontransferable. Any change in the type of sexually oriented business shall invalidate the sexually oriented business registration.
Source: Ord. No. 5727, § 1, 4-19-21;