Budget Calendar
Mid/Late January Council Retreat
Council priorities are identified and any large capital items associated therewith are included in the CIP.
Late January Issuance of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Instructions
Memo is sent to all divisions and department heads requesting CIP requests for next ten years
Early February Norfolk Planning Commission
Norfolk Planning Commission reviews the proposed Street Improvement Plan (the first six years of the Street
portion of the CIP) and amends as needed.
Mid February Council Hearing on the Street Improvement Plan
Street Improvement Plan is approved and forwarded to the Nebraska Department of Roads by the March 1 due date.
Mid March Departmental CIP Submittals
Every department submits on each capital item request:
(1) description
(2) cost
(3) source of funding
(4) justification
(5) impact analysis
(6) construction period-if applicable
April CIP Committee Review
Plans are drafted by the committee for the CIP.
Late April City Administrator’s Review
CIP plan is reviewed with the CIP committee.
Late April Issuance of Budget Instructions
Operational supplies and utilities cost variables for the upcoming budget year and cost-of-living assumption are included. Each department or division is instructed to submit the budget in four service level options, two that reduce expenditures and services, after accounting for inflation, and two that either maintain or improve services.
May Preparation of Revenue Projections and Departmental Budgets
Expenditure requests are prepared in four levels:
(1) Assumes a one percent increase in the amount of funding authorized in the prior year, which due to inflation is a reduction in real dollar terms.
(2) Assumes a two percent increase in the amount of funding authorized in the prior year, which due to inflation is a reduction in real dollar terms.
(3) Assumes a three and one half percent increase over prior year authorized budget.
(4) Assumes a variable percentage increase between three and one half and six percent.
Late May Revenue Projections and Departmental Submittals
Personnel, operations and maintenance, and capital outlay requests along with goals/objectives and impact analysis are submitted.
June Balancing Process
Early July Long-term Financial Plan updates
The long-term financial plan is updated to reflect the budget.
Mid July City Administrator Review Sessions
Each department head reviews their budget requests with the City Administrator
Late July Council Work Sessions
The Council reviews proposed budget, proposed CIP, and the long-term financial plan in work sessions.
August 1 Political Subdivisions submit Requests
Preliminary requests for levy allocations to subdivisions presented to City Council.
Early August Town Hall Meeting
The Mayor and Council hold a town hall meeting to solicit citizen comments on the budget and long-term financial plan including the CIP.
Early August Planning Commission Review of CIP
Planning Commission forwards their recommendation to the City Council.
Early August Proposed Budgets
Placed on the City’s Web Site for Citizen Review
Mid August Property Tax Relief Assurance/Budget Limitation Compliance Review Committee
Review the proposed budget for use of sales tax for property tax relief and compliance with lid law. They issue a report to the City Council.
August 20 Deadline for Certification of the Current Value of Taxable Property
The County Assessor certifies the current taxable value of the taxable property subject to the applicable levy.
Late August Budgets Distributed
Budget books are compiled and distributed to Mayor, City Council, Department and Division managers. Summary budget booklets are also distributed to the Mayor and City Council as well as other entities and citizens upon request and available at the budget hearing.
September 1 Final Allocation for Public Subdivisions
City Council determines final levy authority for subdivisions.
Early September Proposed Budget and CIP Filed with City Clerk and Public Hearing
Notice published at least five days prior to hearing.
Citizen’s comments are obtained and reviewed.
Early September Adoption of Final Budget and CIP
Appropriations ordinance approved and submission of State forms. Ordinances require three readings unless the rules are suspended by super-majority vote.
September 10 County Clerk sets Preliminary Property Tax Rate
Rates are set for each public subdivision by applying the prior year property tax request to the new valuation.
September 15 Preliminary Property Tax Rates Published in Newspaper
September 20 Deadline for County and State to receive Approved Budget
October 1 Fiscal Year Begins
October 13 Property Tax Levy Adopted by County Board
Prior to this, the City Council may change the property tax levy from the preliminary rate by a majority vote of the Council after a special public hearing.