
Boards and Commissions

The various advisory boards and commissions are an important component of the City government.  If you are interested in serving on an advisory board or commission, fill out and print the online application, or pickup an application at the City Administrator's office, 309 N 5th St., Norfolk, Nebraska 68701.

Board of Zoning Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment consists of five members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council. Board members are appointed for a three-year term. Meetings of the Board are held at the call of the chairperson and at such times as the Board may determine necessary. The Board of Adjustment renders decisions only on appeals from an action of the Building Inspector, when it has determined that a permit has been issued incorrectly or denied, zoning regulations have been enforced or interpreted incorrectly, or when the appellant proves undue and unnecessary hardship due to a provision applied to a specific lot or tract. The Board of Adjustment is governed by the Revised Statutes of Nebraska. Current board members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Waite, Dirk 2101 Sheridan Dr 605-380-6147 8-2027
Love, Brad -- Vice-Chairman 108 W Norfolk Ave  #204 402-379-2339 8-2026
Stahla, Ray (2-mile jurisdiction) 5200 W Benjamin Ave 402-640-6194 8-2025
Lammli, Jason -- Chairman 2208 W Prospect Ave 402-644-7242 8-2025
Joy, Michael (alternate) 610 Magnet St 402-841-9444 8-2026
Wilcox, Randy 2802 Mimick Dr 402-750-3977 8-2027
 (Secretary) 309 N 5th St 402-844-2065    

Board of Health

The Board of Health shall consist of five (5) members and shall be composed of the Mayor, President of the City Council, Chief of Police, City Physician and one other member. 

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Clausen, Shane 407 Ridgeway Dr 402-844-9179 N/A
Arens, Frank 1104 N 27th St 402-844-9891 N/A
Tighe, Brian (Acting Chief) 202 N 7th St 402-844-2150 N/A
Yosten, Lisa 2700 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-4880 N/A
Nordby, Kathy 302 Phillip Ave 402-371-8000 N/A

Building Code Appeals/Property Maintenance Board of Appeals

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Mayor and City Council who serve for a five-year term. The Building Inspector is a non-voting ex officio member and acts as secretary to the Board. Each member must be a licensed, professional engineer or architect, or a builder or superintendent of building construction with at least ten years experience, for five years of which that board member shall have been in reasonable charge of work; there must not be more than two members of the board selected from the same profession or business; and at least one of the professional engineers must be a licensed, structural or civil engineer of architectural engineering experience. The Board is legally empowered to hold hearings and to conduct investigations into disputes between the building officials and members of the public, and pass judgment on matters in which the exercise of discretion is legal. Current board members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Machuca, Ignacio 2600 Crestview Rd 402-750-1043 2-2029
Hofmann, Dan (alternate) 814 S 3rd St 402-371-7020 2-2029
Johnson, Mark 2703 N 25th St 402-649-4597 2-2027
Swanson, Les 904 Koenigstein Ave 402-379-1915 2-2028
Wenzl, Larry 1404 Longhorn Dr 402-371-2494 2-2025
Wolfe, Terry 1511 N 30th St 402-379-2753 2-2027
Lyon, Tim (alternate) 3403 Rolling Hills Dr 402-379-2376 2-2025
(Secretary) 309 N 5th St 402-844-2065    

Citizen Advisory Review Committee

3 year terms

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Means, Kathie 1002 Eldorado Rd 402-371-3355 10-31-2025
Einspahr, Jan 601 S 13th St 402-371-3140 10-31-2025
Day, Brandon  1500 Riverside Blvd 402-379-1440 10-31-2025
Morrow, Cindy 1307 N 30th St 402-379-0721 10-31-2025
Otten, Aaron 1624 Hackberry Dr 719-459-0064 10-31-2025

Civil Service Commission

The Commission is composed of three persons appointed by the Mayor for six-year terms. Members are vested with the responsibility to recruit, examine competitively and recommend to the hiring authority the appointment, employment and promotion of sworn police and fire personnel. The Commission also serves as an appeal board for all disciplinary action involving police and fire. Current commission members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
 Hansen, Susan 1015 N 6th St #B 402-371-3868 04-2028
 Brooks, Brad 2204 Highland Dr 402-649-5512 01-2029
 Joy, Mike 610 Magnet St 402-841-9444 12-2029

Fire Code Appeals Board

The appeals board will hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the fire code official relative to the application and interpretation of the code. The board of appeals shall consist of members who are qualified by experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to hazards of fire, explosions, hazardous conditions or fire protection systems and are not employees of the jurisdiction. The Fire Code Board of Appeals shall consist of 5 members and 1 alternate person.

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
 Wemhoff, Curtis 2915 Marconnit Circle 402-860-2634 2-2025
 Grimes, Johns 1216 W Nebraska Ave 402-370-1502 2-2029
 Joy, Mike 610 Magnet St 402-649-7020 2-2026
 Sears, Mark 401 Ridgeway Dr 402-644-7655 2-2028
Swanson, Les 904 Koenigstein Ave 605-595-3498 2-2027
Zaruba, Scott (alternate) 2801 Ruthann Cir 402-371-7195 2-2024
Wortmann, Sarah (Secretary) 309 N 5th St 402-844-2065  

Housing Agency Board

The Norfolk Housing Agency (NHA) Board consists of seven members, who are appointed by the Mayor. Each member is appointed a five-year term in office. One member of the Board also serves on the City Council. In addition to providing rental assistance for low-income persons, families and individuals with disabilities, the Housing Agency Board supervises Boulevard Village, the Kensington Apartments, Meadow Ridge Estates, Royal Oaks Estates, as well as private sector rentals. The Board also assists local landlords who offer low-income housing. Current board members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Geiger, Nicolette 1803 Carmel Dr 402-750-8433 6-2027
Knapp, Justine,  Sec/Treas 301 Broadmoor Dr 402-992-1542 6-2026
Dover-Daake, Erica 83076 556th Ave, Madison 402-649-3700 6-2029
Dorado, Roberto Jr 1206 E Sycamore Ave 402-316-0309 6-2028
Carstens, Annette 900 N 10th St #4 402-992-5817 6-2029
Murren, Thad, Vice-Chair 600 E Bluff Ave 402-379-9512 6-2025
Todd, Ian 1002 Blue Stem Cir 402-276-3660 6-2025
Danielle Myers-Noelle, City Attorney 202 N 7th St 402-644-8732  

Library Advisory Board

The Library Advisory Board consists of five members. Each member is appointed for a five year term. The Board members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. The Library Advisory Board advises the Mayor and City Council in regard to the operation, maintenance, and development of the public library. Current board members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Bogner, Kurt 1630 Hackberry Dr 402-750-1253 7-2025
McKay, Elizabeth 1107 Terrace Rd 402-860-9505 7-2026
Means, Kelli 714 E Park Ave 402-920-0103 7-2029
Porn, Brian 1219 W Prospect Ave 402-841-5315 7-2027
Dover, Jr., Tom 2201 Skyline Dr 402-371-6760 7-2028

Northeast Nebraska Regional Land Bank

The Board of the Land Bank will make decisions that will be in line with addressing the public need to confront the problems caused by vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties through the use of the land bank to facilitate the return of vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties to productive use. Collectively, the votintg members of the Board must have verifiable skills, expertise, and knowledge in market-rate and affordable residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use real estate development, financing, law, purchasing and sales, asset management, economic and community development, and the acquisition of tax sale certificates.The Board of the Land Bank will make decisions that will be in line with addressing the public need to confront the problems caused by vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties through the use of the land bank to facilitate the return of vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties to productive use. Collectively, the voting members of the Board must have verifiable skills, expertise, and knowledge in market-rate and affordable residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use real estate development, financing, law, purchasing and sales, asset management, economic and community development, and the acquisition of tax sale certificates.

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Vacant       12-2024
Kouba, John 1702 Sheridan Dr 402-379-2270 12-2027
Murren, Thad 600 E Bluff Ave 402-640-1072 12-2027
Merrill, Rob 1215 Nebraska Ave 402-630-5674 12-2025
Wilcox, Randy 2802 Mimick Dr 402-750-3977 12-2025
Johnson, Rod 3416 Golf View Dr 402-649-2661 12-2025
Bohn, Soshia 1628 Mulberry Dr 402-841-9372 12-2026
Sandoval, Juan 902 N Victory Rd 402-990-0151 12-2026
Mendoza, Myra 209 W Spruce Ave 402-860-8434 12-2026
Grimes, Valerie (non-voting) City of Norfolk Planning Director 402-844-2280  
Webb, Justin (non-voting) City of Norfolk Councilperson 402-844-9962  
Craft, Mark (non-voting) Village of Hadar Board Member  
Wasson, Myron (non-voting) Village of Hadar  

Parks and Recreation Board

The Parks and Recreation Board shall consist of nine members who shall be residents of the City of Norfolk. The members of the parks and rec board shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of City Council. The Mayor and City Council shall strive to have at least one representative from each ward serve on the parks and rec board, if possible. No more than three members from private sports associations shall serve on the board at any given time. At least one representative from the City Council will sit on the Parks and Recreation Board in a nonvoting position and is not counted as one of the nine members. The term of office of three of the members appointed to the first Parks and Recreation Board shall be for one year, the term of office of three of the members appointed shall be two years and the term of three of the members appointed shall be three years, with the computation of the same being from the preceding January.

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Dover, Ann 3211 Dover Dr 402-649-7600 1-2027
Rasmussen, Terry 1206 N 27th St 402-750-0012 1-2027
Bailey, Angie 212 S 15th St 402-500-9430 1-2027
Mills, Jerrett 1010 S 4th St 402-750-1372 1-2028
Tollefson, Jason 1408 Verges Ave 402-817-8941 1-2028
Wulf, Becki 902 S Pine St 402-640-4573 1-2028
Gerhart, Patrick 3006 Dover Dr 402-321-8332 1-2026
Truex, Austin 1002 N 7th St 402-851-1970 1-2026
Temple, Melissa 403 W Norfolk Ave #201 765-278-5172 1-2026

Planning Commission

The Norfolk Planning Commission consists of nine members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of 3/4 of the City Council and serve for three years. Two such members may be residents of the two-mile extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction. The Commission evaluates information from staff and testimony in hearings, and makes recommendations to guide Council action. Commissioners make recommendations only. The Commission and City Council work with a Comprehensive Plan as a guideline for the growth of the City and its jurisdiction. Meetings, which may include public hearings, are held the Tuesday following the City Council meeting, 7:30 a.m. at the City Council Chambers. All meetings are advertised and open to the public. Current commission members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Bryant, Chad 2512 Westside Ave 402-992-7702 2-2025
Waite, Dirk 203 Harris Dr 605-380-6147 2-2027
Ronnfeldt, Cody 307 Windsor Dr 308-249-4466 2-2026
Griffith, Martin 408 S 4th St 402-379-2196 2-2025
Franklin, Brandon 1205 Sunnydell Ln  515-745-5848 2-2027
Sock, Jill 500 Andy's N. Shore Dr 402-841-4713 2-2027
Mason, Jordan 1904 Mulberry Dr 402-953-9394 2-2026
Kube, Kaycee 900 Blue Stem Cir 402-992-9401 2-2026
Hupke, Colleen 1708 Hilltop Dr 813-399-2343 2-2025
Duerst, Brianna
Planning Commission Secretary
309 N 5th St 402-844-2280  

Plumbing Board

The Plumbing Board, appointed by the Mayor and City Council, consists of the following five members; the City plumbing inspector, the City health inspector, a master plumber, a journeyman plumber and one citizen. The health and plumbing inspectors serve during the term of the Mayor. The other three board members serve three-year terms. The board has the power to adopt rules and regulations for the sanitary construction, alteration and inspection of plumbing and sewer connections in Norfolk, and conducts examinations and approves permits for people who apply to do business as plumbers in Norfolk. Current board members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Swanson, Les Chairman 904 Koenigstein Ave 402-379-1915 8-2025
Volkman, Aaron 211 S 3rd St 402-371-0316 8-2024
Swoboda, Roy       8-2026
City Staff Members - term of mayor        
 Serres, Paul 109 Valley View Dr 402-640-3456  

Property Tax Compliance Review Committee

Members are appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council, and serve a three-year term. One member of the Committee is from the City at-large and one member from each of the City's four election wards. One member of the Committee shall be a Certified Public Accountant. The purpose of the Sales Tax Compliance Review Committee is to review the City's annual fiscal budget for compliance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 3257, passed and approved on Oct. 15, 1984, which provided for a self-imposed budget limitation on spending upon the governing body of the City of Norfolk. The Committee, after review of the annual fiscal budget, is to report their findings to the Mayor and City Council and citizens of the City prior to the adoption of the City's annual fiscal budget each year. Current committee members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Albin, Mark D 604 Summit St 402-371-9259 8-2026
Gray, Chris 1704 E Sycamore Ave 402-851-0727 8-2026
Hamm, David 1220 W Benjamin Ave 402-644-8308 8-2026
Putters, Jay 701 E Bluff Ave 402-371-5520 8-2026
Williams, Scott 1111 W Nebraska Ave 402-371-8020 8-2026

Public Arts Council

The Public Arts Council consists of five members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, each serving a three-year term. A representative from the city  will sit on the Arts Council in a nonvoting position. At least four regular meetings shall be held annually. It is the responsibility of the Arts Council to advise the mayor and city council of potential arts programs and activities pertinent to the city; notify the city representative on the Arts Council and make recommendations regarding potential arts programs and activities; review and make recommendations for art considered for placement on city-owned property; and research grants, programs and other activities pertaining to enhancement of the arts to the city. Current members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Collins, Ben 704 N 19th St 402-649-7557 11-30-2025
Einspahr, Jan 1108 N 36th St 402-649-3914 02-28-2027
vacant       11-30-2023
Pflueger, Paula 1811 Koenigstein Ave 402-750-6021 11-30-2027
Engelby, Janie 312 S 11th St 402-649-1188 11-30-2027

Arens, Frank

(non-voting member)

1104 N 27th St 402-750-6098  

Riverfront Overlay Review Board

The Riverfront Overlay Review Board consists of nine members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council, and serve a three-year term. The City Planner is a non-voting ex officio member and acts as secretary to the Board. The Riverfront Overlay Review Board renders decisions only on plans for those properties within the official North Fork of the Elkhorn River Overlay District Map. The Riverfront Overlay Review Board meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month, only when a submittal has been made in the timeframe described in Norfolk City Code. Current board members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Ferguson, Joe 705 Skyview Cir 402.649.9726 1-31-2028
Love, Brad 108 W Norfolk Ave  #2 402.917.4674 1-31-2027
Novacek, Darrel 1301 Eldorado Rd 402.649.3353 1-31-2028
Hernandez, Javier 1408 W Bluff Ave 402.860.6921 1-31-2028
Uhlir, Troy 2703 Parkhill Dr 402.841.6386 1-31-2027
Orwa, Danny 901 S Birch St 319.541.9713 1-31-2027
Wilken, Stacie 609 E Walnut Ave 402.371.2932 1-31-2026

Trail Advisory Board

There are five voting members on this board - one from each ward and one from the extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction. The City park superintendent and a Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District member also serve on the board. The voting members have three-year terms. Responsibilities include advising the Mayor and City Council in development and implementation of trail policies, encourage public usage of the trail system, assist in applying for trail grants and fundraising, and make recommendation for trail projects. Current board members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Nordhues, Jacob
(Ward 2)
1202 Westbrook Dr 402-649-5891 9-2027
Cleveland, Nick
(extra territorial zoning jurisdiction)
1207 Crown Rd 402-371-8005 9-2020
(Ward 4)
Stuthman, Jon (Tony)
(Ward 3)
613 S 9th St 402-316-0157 9-2022
Bauermeister, Sarah
(Ward 1)
1204 Square Turn Blvd 402-640-1048 9-2027
(non-voting member)

Tree Advisory Board

Members are chosen at-large for a three-year term and appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council, to advise the elected officials and staff on landscaping and tree planting. The board’s duties would be coordinate educational events about the benefits of trees, set up pruning demonstrations, assist with public information handouts, assist in finding and applying for tree planting or landscaping grants, offer input and make recommendations for tree planting and landscaping projects in the city, serve as advocates for tree planting and maintenance, and assist in supplying volunteers for tree and shrub planting projects. Current board members are:

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Lienemann, Liz Pierce 402-336-7268 9-2026
Bush, Trentee 1504 W Benjamin Ave 402-613-3159 9-2025
Sweeney, Georgette 1004 Blue Stem Cirlce 402-860-0618 9-2026
Atwood, Lonn 921 Woodhurst Dr 402-841-2292 9-2025
Buss, Scott 1201 W Madison Ave 402-992-1935 9-2027
Heller, Keriann 2203 W Madison Ave 402-750-4476 9-2025
Wapelhorst, Robin 1207 W Norfolk Ave 402-640-5452 9-2027

Vehicle Parking District Advisory Board

3 year terms

Name Address Phone Email Term Expires
Geary, Connie 200 W Norfolk Ave 402-379-1820 2-2027
Bates, Stephanie 510 W Park Ave 402-750-5302 2-2027
McNally, Steven 435 W Norfolk Ave 402-371-3176 1-2026
Stebbing, Douglas 128 S 5th St 402-640-0365 2-2027
Carney, Pat 109 S 5th St 402-379-5600 1-2026
Burnkink, Doug (alternate) 55327 Rodeo Rd 402-750-7501 6-2027
Fleming, Stephanie (alternate) 120 El Camino Dr 303-249-4660 6-2027
Kruse, Angi (alternate) 714 Andy's Lake Rd 402-992-1947 6-2027
Orwa, Daniel (alternate) 411 W Norfolk Ave 319-541-9713 6-2027
Roberts, Troy (ex-officio)