
Classes & Events

The library offers a wide variety of educational opportunities through engaging programs, classes, and events.  Full event information, including registration forms when applicable, can be found on our Event Calendar.  The month's current programming can be found in our latest newsletter, which is available in print in the library or on the Library's homepage

Children's Programs

For all programs, see the Event Calendar for the latest information, program dates, and details. 

Early Literacy programs, like Storytime for ages 0-8, are developed with careful attention to be engaging, educational, and boost early language and learning skills.  These programs are free and no registration is required. 

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is an at-home program that encourages families to read 1,000 books together before their child enters Kindergarten.  Rewards are earned for every 100 books read, and an annual graduation ceremony is held to recognize those who finish. Visit the Children's Desk in the library to learn more and sign up your child!

Golden Sower Book Club meets once a month to discuss books nominated for the Golden Sower Award, Nebraska's Children's Choice Book Award. The library provides the books so there is no cost to participate.  This book club makes meaningful connections with literature and learning through fun discussion and book-related activities.  For ages 8-12. Contact  if you are interested in learning more or signing up your child. 

Lego Time meets once a month during the school year.  Kids engage in creative free play as well as build problem-solving and STEM skills. This program for students in Kindergarten through 6th Grade is free and no registration is needed. 

Summer Learning programs are offered in June and July each year. A variety of literacy, arts, and science-based programs take place for all ages. Details vary each year. Pick up a Summer Reading Program booklet (available mid-May to July) for details.  

The library supports the local Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which delivers free books to children's homes from birth to age 5. Any child in that age range who lives in Norfolk is eligible. There is no cost to participate. Sign up online or pick up a registration form in the library. The Imagination Library is sponsored by Read Aloud Norfolk

Teen Programs

For all programs, see the Event Calendar for the latest information, program dates, and details.

Teen Book Club is for any teen who loves to read and talk about books. The group members select which books they want to read.  The library provides the books so there is no cost to participate. Contact  if you are interested in learning more or signing up. 

Starbooks Teen Library Lounge gives high school teens a space to decompress after school to read, get homework help, play board games, or just gather with friends. 

Adult Programs 

For all programs, see the Event Calendar for the latest information, program dates, and details.

Book Clubs provide meaningful engagement with literature, expand readers' horizons, and are a great way to meet new friends. New members are always welcome and an active library card is the only requirement. The library provides the books so there is no cost to participate. New members are encouraged to ask at the Service Desk for more information. 

Tuesday Night Reads - Typically meets on the third Tuesday of the month and reads a variety of fiction and non-fiction titles. This club is led by Emily H.     

Wednesday Morning Book Club - Typically meets on the last Wednesday of the month and reads a variety of fiction and non-fiction titles. This club is led by   

Tech Tutoring - Get personal tutoring to gain technology skills and learn how computers and technology work. Reserve a 30-minute session by contacting Mike Dittmer, Library Technology Specialist, at 402-844-2100.

MakerSpace Classes - The library's MakerSpace currently has an Embroidery Machine, Laser Cutter, 3D Printer, Vinyl & Fabric Cutter, and Button Maker. The MakerSpace provides public access to high-tech equipment to boost technology skills and creative opportunities.  Classes are required before using the equipment. Check the MakerSpace page to learn more. 

Author Talks: A virtual speaker series that showcases bestselling and acclaimed authors. The free, virtual series takes place two to three times a month and includes the opportunity to ask questions to the author. A complete list of events is available on our virtual author talk series website at

Author Programs, Computer Classes, Humanities Programs, and other special events are often added to our regular monthly programs. Please check the Event Calendar or our monthly newsletter to see everything currently offered!

For All Ages

The Summer Reading Program is a great way to engage all ages in reading and learning! For the Reading Rewards Program, participants track the time they spending reading, being read to, or listening to audio books. With a goal of encouraging participants to read 20-30 minutes a day, participants who complete the entire program will have read 25 hours over the course of the summer. Those who reach this goal can turn their Reading Log in for prizes!  The Summer Reading Program also includes lots of fun and educational programs for all ages. Check the Event Calendar for dates and event details, or stop in the library to pick up a booklet during the summer.