AquaVenture Water Park

AquaVenture Water Park

Memorial AquaVenture Water Park opens on Memorial Day Weekend. Sign up for the AquaVenture e-News to be notified of AquaVenture Water Park news. Normal hours are 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Swimming Lessons

Sign-up for swimming lessons will begin at 8:00 a.m. on April 15, 2024. Please sign up online via our Parks and Recreation Active website. Early registrations are not allowed.

Students must be age 3 and older to be registered for swimming lessons. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday for two weeks with Fridays reserved for make-up days in case of inclement weather.

Private lessons are also available.  Please contact AquaVenture at (402) 844-2270 between May 20 and July 20 each year for details.

AquaVenture Water Park is located at 715 S. 1st Street.

Any questions regarding staffing, closings, policies or other operational concerns can be directed to the Recreation & Aquatics Supervisor at (402) 844-2270.

City of Norfolk receives/received federal funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund. U.S. Department of the Interior regulations prohibit federally assisted programs from discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, age, sex or handicap. If you believe you have been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility of this agency, contact your locally designated Equal Opportunity Officer or the Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, PO Box 37127, Washington DC 20013-7127.

Don't you wish you were at AquaVenture?!