
City Services and Fees

Please refer to the City Code; Sec. 2-5 Schedule of Fees for costs associated with services listed below.

Ambulance (City Code Chapter 2-2)

The City submits ambulance bills to Medicare and Medicaid only.  The patient must file with private insurance.   

Bicycle/Scooter Licenses (City Code Chapter 5)

Bicycle and scooter  licenses are issued in even numbered years and are good for a two year period.
The City Clerk’s office issues the license. 

Bicycle License: (Fill out and Print Bicycle Registration Form)

If no serial number can be found on the bicycle, a serial number is imprinted on the bicycle by staff from the City Clerk’s office. 

Scooter License Fees:  (Fill out and Print Scooter Registration Form)

The maximum speed a which the scooter is capable of being operated, as determined by the manufacturer, cannot exceed  20 miles per hour.  No modifications shall be made to the scooter to enable the scooter to be operated at a higher rate of speed than the maximum speed determined by the manufacturer.

Building Permits FEES (City Code Chapter 6)

Building permits are issued by the Building Services. Fees are computed and collected at Building Services. Phone number: (402) 844-2060.

Garbage and Trash (City Code Chapter 10)

Garbage can be delivered to the Transfer Station by the resident/business, or it can be delivered by a licensed garbage contractor.

HIPAA Privacy Notice

The HIPAA Privacy Notice can be viewed here.

Horse-Drawn Carriages (City Code Chapter 13, Article XII)

Horse-drawn carriage regulations can be found Chapter 13, Sections 13-201 to 13-212.

A Horse Drawn Carriage Business License and Certificate of Horse-Drawn Carriage Worthiness are required.  Please read Chapter 13, Article XII for complete regulations.

Liquor Licensing (City Code Chapter 3)

All applications relating to liquor licenses are made through the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission. Applications are online at Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Web site. City Council approval is required with licenses being issues by the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission.

Mowing, Weeds, Nuisances (City Code Chapter 17)

Fees for removal of weeds, litter, etc. is assessed at actual costs whether the service is provided by City personnel or by a contractor.

Notice to property owners must be given to remove weeds prior to City removal. If the owner fails, neglects, or refuses to mow the property, the owner is notified by certified mail from the Health Director and given five (5) days to comply. If costs of cutting, destroying and removing weeds, and/or litter are not paid within thirty (30) days following billing, a special assessment may be levied against the property and filed with the Madison County Treasurer.

Parking Fines (City Code Chapter 24)

Parking tickets shall be paid within 72 hours to the City Clerk’s office. Unpaid parking tickets are sent to the City Attorney for collection through County Court proceedings.

Parking Stall Rentals

Parking stalls in Downtown Norfolk are rented to Downtown merchants and employees. The monthly rental rate is $7.50 per stall and payable on a quarterly basis. The City Clerk’s office bills the customer on a quarterly basis. The fee must be paid by the 20th of the first month of the quarter or the parking stall is forfeited.

Permits (Pawnbrokers, Secondhand Dealers, Merchants, Vendors) (City Code Chapter 13)

(Fill out and Print Vendor Application and Permit Form and Citizenship Attestation Form)

Pawnbrokers permits expire on December 31 of every year.

Secondhand Dealers permits expire on April 30 of every year.

Itinerant merchants. Each itinerant merchant shall pay an occupation tax for each vehicle to be used in his or her business per calendar year.

Peddler or solicitor.  Permits are for a period of three months.

Street vendor or temporary merchant.  Permits are for a period of three months.

Pet Licenses/Pound Fees (City Code Chapter 4)

A dog and/or cat license is valid January 1 through December 31 each year. Licenses are issued at the Police Division only after presentation of a valid rabies certificate. There shall be no license fee collected.  (Fill out and Print Pet License Application)

Pound fees are collected at the Police Division and brought daily to the City Clerk’s office. The owner of an impounded animal has 72 hours to get a rabies vaccination and license. Rabies vaccination is obtained from a veterinarian. When the 72 hour time limit expires and the license is not purchased, the City Clerk’s office send information to the City Attorney’s office for legal action.

Planning Commission Fees

Planning Commission Fees are defined in City Code, Sec. 2-5 Schedule of Fees with the Category of Subdivisions.

Swimming Pools

The City of Norfolk has one swimming and wading pool, AquaVenture Water Park.

Ta-Ha-Zouka Park 

The City of Norfolk has four rental cabins and they are all located in TaHaZouka Park.

Tobacco Licenses

 (Fill out and Print Tobacco License Application and Citizenship Attestation Form)

Tobacco licenses are due January 1 each year. The City Clerk’s office bills licensees one month prior to renewal. A license can be transferred according to State Statute Section 28-1428 or revoked according to Section 28-1429. Funds from tobacco licenses are paid to the school.

Water/Sewer Service (City Code Chapter 26)

Water and/or Sewer Service (new)

To sign up for new water/sewer service, visit the Water Billing Office at 309 N 5th Street or call (402) 844-2018.  There is a $30 fee for new service.

City staff will complete a New Service Information form based off of information provided by the customer requesting new service. This information includes but is not limited to: customer name, service address, mailing address, phone number, and property owner name. Customers who sign up in person at the Water Billing Office will receive a copy of the completed New Service Information form.

Customers will also be asked if they wish to participate in third party notifications. If they choose to sign up for this service, the Water Billing Office will send notification to the third party when the customer receives a disconnect notice.


Water and/or Sewer Service (reconnection)

If a customer fails to pay for water/sewer service and gets disconnected, there is a reconnect fee of $30.00 that must be paid prior to reconnection. After regular business hours, the fee is $45.00. Water payment agreements are available for those unable to pay the water/sewer bill on time. However, complete payment must be made prior to the next billing.

Bi-monthly Utility Bill

Water Fees. Residential meters are read every two months. Meters north of Norfolk Avenue are billed during even-numbered months. Meters south of Norfolk Avenue are billed during odd-numbered months.  Meter readings for normal billing purposes are taken off the outside remote meter. When a difference occurs between the inside and remote meter, the inside meter reading shall determine your water consumption. City of Norfolk meters register usage in cubic feet (cu. ft.)  One cubic foot is equal to 7.48 gallons.

Water Meter Size & Location Minimum Rate for first 660 cu. ft. Additional Rate per 100 cu.ft. for next 6,000 cu. ft. Additional Rate per 100 cu.ft. for next 27,000 cu. ft. Additional Rate per 100 cu.ft. for over 33,660 cu. ft.
5/8" Meter Inside City Limits $15.22 $1.71 $1.37 $1.21
3/4" Meter Inside City Limits $16.48 $1.71 $1.37 $1.21
1" Meter Inside City Limits $19.37 $1.71 $1.37 $1.21
1 1/2" Meter Inside City Limits $35.40 $1.71 $1.37 $1.21
2" Meter Inside City Limits $54.76 $1.71 $1.37 $1.21
3" Meter Inside City Limits $104.18 $1.71 $1.37 $1.21
4" Meter Inside City Limits $160.28 $1.71 $1.37 $1.21
6" Meter Inside City Limits $307.19 $1.71 $1.37 $1.21
5/8" Meter Outside City Limits $30.45 $3.44 $2.76 $2.03
3/4" Meter Outside City Limits $32.99 $3.44 $2.76 $2.03
1" Meter Outside City Limits $38.73 $3.44 $2.76 $2.03
1 1/2" Meter Outside City Limits $70.79 $3.44 $2.76 $2.03
2" Meter Outside City Limits $109.52 $3.44 $2.76 $2.03
3" Meter Outside City Limits $208.36 $3.44 $2.76 $2.03
4" Meter Outside City Limits $320.55 $3.44 $2.76 $2.03
6" Meter Outside City Limits $614.38 $3.44 $2.76 $2.03

Sewer Fees. Industrial and Commercial Sewer usage is based on the water usage for the same billing period.  Residential sewer use is based on the water usage during the winter months. For those contributors who discharge wastewater of strength greater than normal domestic sewage, an additional surcharge will be collected.

Customer Class  Minimum Rate for first 400 cu. ft. Additional Rate Per 100 cu. ft. for
Over 400 cu. ft
All Sewer Customers $31.50 2.69

The City of Norfolk offers Automatic Payment for utility bills.  Please contact (402) 844-2018 for information.