Communications Office

Annual Hydrant Flushing Begins

The Norfolk Water Division will begin their annual water main flushing program on April 15th, 2024. During the first week of flushing, flushing will be done during the day beginning, April 15th at 8:00 AM and concluding, April 19th at 4:30 PM. It is estimated that the flushing program will be completed May 24th, 2024. The Norfolk Water Division is asking that the public refrain from parking near fire hydrants in the affected areas.

Areas to be flushed during the first week, April 15th through April 19th are as follows:

Areas from 49th Street east to 42nd street, from Eisenhower Avenue south to Omaha Avenue. From 37th Street east to 25th Street, from Omaha Avenue south to Monroe Avenue. From 25th Street east to 1st Street, from Monroe Avenue to Sherwood Road.

The purpose of the flushing program is to remove the buildup of Iron and Manganese deposits that have collected in the water mains.  The water is bacteria free, however it is not recommended to consume the water if it is extremely discolored.  Customers living in the area affected by the flushing program are encouraged not to perform any laundry tasks at this time.  The isolation of ice machines is recommended to prevent any iron and manganese deposits from plugging the ice machines.

The City of Norfolk would like to thank you for your patience during this program.  For those requiring additional information please call the Water Division at 844-2210.