Communications Office

City Council Recognizes “People Power”

Eleven-year-old Max Blunck was recognized by Mayor Josh Moenning and the Norfolk City Council Monday night with the “People Power” award. Max orchestrated an Easter Egg Hunt in Norfolk’s Central Park because, in Max’s own words, “Some people didn’t have Easter egg hunts, so I just did it for them.”

“Max’s selfless act of kindness, driven by care for his neighbors, is a great example of the kind of extraordinary citizenship and thoughtfulness we want to uphold and celebrate as a community,” said Mayor Moenning.

“People Power” awards are distributed to those Norfolkans, who of their own accord, motivated by goodwill and kindness for their neighbors, commit acts of extraordinary thoughtfulness, generosity, and compassion, demonstrating the power of people helping people and neighbor helping neighbor throughout our community.

If you would like to nominate someone for a “People Power” award, reach out to Nick Stevenson at 402-844-2034, or by email at