Communications Office

Norfolk Resident Recognized For "People Power"

Ten-year-old Ruby Thone was recognized by Mayor Josh Moenning and the Norfolk City Council Monday night with the “People Power” award. Ruby created “Ruby’s Rainbow of Hope,” which involves making care bags packed with a cozy blanket, an activity book, and other essential items, as well as a special note of encouragement, donated to those who are battling cancer.

Ruby shared her mother was diagnosed with cancer seven years ago and she wanted to come up with something to help her community. 

“Ruby’s actions were thoughtful, caring, and compassionate. They reflect the essence of what it means to be a good neighbor, and we were proud to honor her and recognize her,” said Mayor Moenning.

“People Power” awards are distributed to those Norfolkans, who of their own accord, motivated by goodwill and loving and caring for their neighbors as themselves, commit acts of extraordinary thoughtfulness, generosity, and compassion, demonstrating the power of people helping people and neighbor helping neighbor throughout our community.

f you would like to nominate someone for a “People Power” award, reach out to Nick Stevenson at 402-844-2034, or by email at