Communications Office

Properly Place Yard Signs

With garage sales underway and a busy election season, it’s understandable people want to get the word out. Still, it’s important to remember the requirements when using yard signs to advertise the event or candidate.

Section 27-323 of City of Norfolk ordinance states that a sign cannot be placed in any public right-of-way which means not in any park, terrace (the area between the sidewalk and the street), roundabout or on the grounds of any public facility. Signs also cannot be placed in medians or on bridges, utility poles, traffic signal poles or attached to any existing permanent roadway signs.

In a residential area, all signs must be smaller than eight square feet in size and no more than six feet high. All temporary signs must be placed in your front or side yard on the inside (house/business side) of the sidewalk or at least 25 feet from the street if there isn’t a sidewalk. Signs should never be placed on a lawn in such a way as to obstruct a person’s view of oncoming traffic. If you want to place a sign on someone else’s property, you must have their permission to do so.

On a corner lot, the sign cannot be more than three feet high or within 25 feet of the intersection. City officials will remove signs that are placed illegally and fines may also be assessed to those who place signs illegally.

When packing up the remains of the garage or yard sale, don’t forget to pick up your signs! According to city ordinance, temporary signs must be removed within 24 hours of the completion of the sale. All political signs must be removed within five days following the election.

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