Communications Office

Spring Sprinkler City Code

According to the National Weather Service, Norfolk is experiencing the driest year over the past 128 years.  January was the second driest January with precipitation .59 below normal.  February was the fifth driest February with precipitation .71 below normal. The yearly precipitation for 2021was 1.35 inches below normal. The recent drought report from the National Weather Service has Norfolk listed at a level D2.  Level D2 is a severe drought, affecting pasture/crop growth, well levels are dropping, declining surface water that could lead to water restrictions and high water use is projected.

The current static water level average of the west well field is 17.88 feet, compared to April 2021 of 16.79 feet. The City of Norfolk tests the static levels of the west wells weekly.

With the current below normal precipitation and lower static water levels at the west wellfield, the City of Norfolk is reminding residents of the voluntary code requirement when setting up the lawn sprinkler this spring.  Last year, the city council enacted a code encouraging even and odd numbered properties to water their lawns on opposite days of the week. Properties with street addressing ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8) should limit outdoor water usage to Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.  Properties with street addressing ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) should limit outdoor water usage to Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

The code is designed to make the water distribution system work more efficiently. Historically, Monday and Wednesday are the largest peak days in water production.  This code will help even those peak days across the week. 

Advantages to this code are better water pressure in the system, which helps with better sprinkler coverage, which in turn uses less water.  When there is large usage on the water distribution system, water pressure is reduced throughout the water distribution system.  This reduction causes less coverage with sprinklers, makes sprinklers less effective.

As the drought continues, we will keep all citizens up to date on water levels. We appreciate your cooperation concerning lawn irrigation. If you have, any questions please feel free to contact the Water Division.
