Emergency Management


Region 11 Emergency Management is the agency responsible to the coordination of emergency response, planning, mitigation, and recovery in a 3 county area in Nebraska. The agency was formed to streamline resource assignment and focus emergency activities of multiple jurisdictions to include the counties of Antelope, Madison and Pierce and the city of Norfolk. The streamlining increases communication efficiency and coordination efforts of the many emergency response and governmental agencies of the area when large emergencies and/or disasters strike. This vital coordination allows for a smooth and strong recovery and enhanced preparation for the next event.

Region 11 Emergency Management Contacts

Fire Chief

Tim Wragge


Emergency Management Director

Bobbi Risor

Phone: 402-844-2066

Region 11 Board Members

Antelope County - Charlie Henery

Madison County - Troy Uhlir

Pierce County - Brad Albers

City of Norfolk - Andrew McCarthy

County Deputies and Associate Directors

Antelope County

Antelope County Deputy - Bob Moore

City of Elgin - Greg Henn

City of Neligh - Mike Mortenson

City of Tilden - Chris Hansen

Village of Brunswick - Craig Forbes

Village of Clearwater - Steve Hankla

Village of Oakdale - Matt Wilkinson

Village of Orchard - Duane Risinger

Village of Royal - Gary Ober

Madison County

Madison County Deputy-Todd Volk

City of Battle Creek - Cleon Schwede

City of Madison - Alvin Schroeder

City of Norfolk - Bobbi Risor

Village of Meadow Grove - Dan Evans

Village of Newman Grove - Kenny Potmesil

Pierce County

Pierce County Deputy - Rich Lutz

City of Osmond - Tom Kruse

City of Pierce - Arnie Venteicher

City of Plainview - 

Village of Foster - 

Village of Hadar -

Village of McLean -