Police Division

July 4th Fireworks, 2021 Press Release

The Norfolk Police Division would like to send a reminder for 4th of July celebrations.  Please pay attention to the dates and times that are set for fireworks use.  Fireworks can be used from June 25th through July 3rd from 8a.m. to 11p.m. and on July 4th from 8a.m. to midnight.  Anybody violating the dates and times may receive a citation.  Remember that fireworks can only be used on private property.  Fireworks cannot be thrown from or at a motor vehicle.  Fireworks cannot be used on any street, highway, or sidewalk.  Fireworks cannot be used close to people or buildings.  Debris and trash from fireworks needs to be cleaned up.  Failure to follow these simple reminders could result in law enforcement having to make arrest or issue citation.  Thank you for your cooperation and have a fun and safe 4th of July.